Friday, September 17, 2010


            Do you ever deal with annoying things like somebody blabbing,and just getting on your last nerves so bad,but you just won't tell them?I do alot actually.I may not seem it,but im really very easily angered I just don't show it.I figure being nice gets you farther in life walk away don't yell because they merely talk way to much.I am easy to get along with,and this isn't about none of my friends,just about random out of the blue people in stores.I can listen to the longest stories without being annoyed if I know you,but if I don't I want to know why the crap your talking to me about your problems.Ok,I admitt this may be alittle mean,but I just don't walk up to some person in the store and say "I have to pee." because I don't figure they really want to know.Now if your my best friend and I see you in the store I may come up and say that because you know me and it won't freak you out.Well it might but you know thats just me and my weirdness.I just want to let you know noones actually came and told me that they had to pee randomly in a store thats just a example.That would be really creepy and i'd probably run screaming. 0: . hehe : )

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