Friday, September 24, 2010

Why do you keep coming back to me didnt you destroy me enough!?!

                Ok so melodramatic much,but all the same why?Maybe writing about it won't help,but i'll do it anyway.
                Its like enough already my life is looking up now,and then all of the sudden boom that persons back.Come to destroy my happiness,and whirlwind me back to where I was at before.Only theres one problem im nowhere near as stupid.I grew a more thoughtful brain when I became a mother,an instinct to protect the one I was born to protect,Bryson.I was born to be his,and him to be mine bonded by the mother and son concept to which im so proud of.Noone will take that bond from me I refuse it.I'd gladly stand up to a grizzly bear to protect the boy I gave life too.So why would I be so stupid to fall in too the trap thats being set up for me.Im not,I won't be im smarter.

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