Friday, September 17, 2010

Blabb. . .

            Ok,so recently I took up to this blogging thing and I actually like it thanks to my friend Ashley (thanks chick) :) .
             Im going to begin with today.It began to a crying baby as normal.I fed him,burped him,and he spit up all over me from my chin down to my belly button.That meant bath time for us.Then we came to the kitchen to watch t.v. (my computer wasn't working at the time).I put on my make up and straightened my hair as normal.My grandma woke up so we had to go to Tompkinsville.This is when the funny stuff happened.First we dropped off our prescriptions mine for birth control whoopi not haha.Anyway we went over to wal-mart and as we went in there was this old man.He looked at Bryson (my baby),then at me,next at my grandma.Then he asked, "Is that your grandson." she said, "No thats my great grandson." We walked away,but he keeped looking at her.We got in the checkout line,and he came to call me over,and then the shock of my life.He asked me if my grandma was married! I was like yeah.Then,I didn't mean to,really I didn't,I just busted out laughing right in front of the old dude.Poor old dude I felt bad.Well,after that we laughed along time.We picked up my birth control and whatever she got,and headed for home.When we got there my mom still wasn't home.When she got home she had KFC!Then to top that off that chick hands me $63!She must of been messed up,just kidding,shes just awesome.Anyway awesome day.
      Mostly im excited about the weekend tomarrow im going to hang down town.Then sunday its off to Rach's for a day off play,then its back to boring home for boring stuff.Anyway I think thats about all that happened today.

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