Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hockey is great!

         So last night I had a very epic night.The night before last I was sitting being bored when I got a message from my friend Ashley asking if I would like to go to a hockey game with her.I was like heck yeah!So then we planned out how I would get to her uncle Cales to go to it.I settled for being dropped off over there around three.When I got dropped off it was cold and rainy,but I had an umbrella to keep the rain off me.I waited by walking around for Ashley to get home from school.Around 12 minutes later she was there.We played basketball with her neighbors until it was time to take Ryan to his Nan and Pa's then it was off to the game Cale told me he could sware me and Ashley were on crack because we laughed and laughed.Talked and Talked.I must be a good luck charm because we haven't lost one game everytime i've went.We had so much fun,and we ate TACOS!Cale bought the chulupa my mom begged me for although I said i'd pay,which was nice of him considering how much food me an Ashley already had him buy.Anyway like I said Hockey is great! :)

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