Friday, September 17, 2010

Confident . . . well im getting there

                 Anyone and everyone that knows me knows im pretty down on myself.Im trying to be better at confidence,but with everything i've went through (being took advantage of and called ugly) I don't see a reason to be.I will be though,i've relized life is so short and everyone was made the way they were meant to be.So I will feel beautiful no matter what anyone says.I will stand tall,and never feel small.For everyone who has ever called me beautiful thank you.I will focuse on what you say not what they say.I will let myself shine rather than dull myself by the fear to be rejected.I will help others build there self confidence too.If you read this trust me your an amazing person.Don't let anyone take that away from you.We are all beautiful believe that,and let it show that you believe it.

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